Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Bashams Come to Visit

Our good friends Wendy, Matt and Zephyr came to visit over Thanksgiving weekend. Zephyr was born on September 21st and spent 10 days in the NICU. He was 5 lbs 4 oz. He has been home in Ophir now for almost 2 months and is doing great! We were so excited to see them and meet little "Z". We can't wait for Ava and him to hang out more!
Wendy, Matt and Zephyr

Proud Mama

We were trying to get a smile out of him when our camera card got full.
He's much happier than this and full of smiles.

Winter arrived this weekend and while going to dinner with the Basham's, a warm hat was needed

The New Ava!

We can't believe how many developments Ava has had in the last month. It was a late start but Ava has been eating solid food since the beginning of October. She is crawling at a slow pace and pulling herself up on things around the house. She can also stand now with hands to balance her.
Ava discovers carrots and sweet peas!

Ava is confidently sitting up!

Ava and Daddy hang out while Mommy is away

Cruising on the carpet!

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Cutest Ladybug Ever

Ava and Mommy at the Riverhouse parade

The infant room kids

Izzy in the Riverhouse parade

Tom and Ava after her big night, relaxing out of costume

Christine and Izzy

Modeling Ladybug

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fall Hiking

The whole family went for a fall hike a few weeks ago to see the last of the changing Aspen leaves. We hike up Elbert Creek, a new area for us, with great views and trees.

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Yaleys Travel to Portland!

The long awaited trip finally occured last weekend! Ava was excited to meet her cousin Nolan, born in June and her cousin Natalie, who will turn 3 in December. Ava and Nolan, being just 3 months apart, had lots of fun hanging out together. Big cousin Natalie watched over her younger family members.

Tom & Tim with Ava & Nolan

The smiling pair

Cousins ready for bed in warm cozy pj's

Portland (2)

We visited the pumpkin patch while in Portland with lots of friends. Ava saw her first pumpkin and lots of fun watching the older kids at the patch.
Proping up the counsins for a photo

Pumpkin Patch Shot

Ava's first pumpkin patch trip!

Daddy helped Ava pick out her first pumpkin

Daddy and Ava laughing together

Portland (3)

Natalie riding her "wipe" pony

Tim is very serious about this job as pumpkin deliverer

Pumpkin Harvest Express

Robin, Nolan and friends riding the train

Portland (4)

Auntie Christie & Natalie with her black cat face paint

The Fernstroms

I love my high-waisted pants (I'll grow into them soon)

I think I'm going to like Halloween!

Girl Cousins in pink jamies

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Recent Photos of Ava

This pack n play isn't so bad

My crib is a pretty fun place these days!

Mommy's friend Mallory sent me this pretty dress